• Support a Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons

    Nuclear weapons continue to be one of the most serious threats to international peace and security around the world. They are the most destructive, inhumane and indiscriminate weapons ever created. Both in the scale of the devastation they cause, and in their uniquely persistent and hazardous...

    November 15, 2016 - By Ploughshares Fund
  • A Renewed Effort to End Nuclear Weapons Testing

    We rarely have the opportunity to celebrate victories in global security. Today is one of those exceptional days. In a show of international solidarity, the UN Security Council just adopted a resolution — introduced by President Obama — that calls for a renewed effort to end nuclear weapons...

    September 22, 2016 - By Tom Collina
  • Daryl Kimball Reddit AMA

    Arms Control Association director Daryl G. Kimball hosted an AMA (‘Ask me Anything’) session on Reddit, the 25th most visited web site in the world. Reddit’s AMA regularly features noteworthy individuals with unique expertise to take questions from...

    September 21, 2016 - By Derek Zender
  • On March 1, 1954, the U.S. conducted its largest nuclear test. The Castle Bravo nuclear test on Bikini Atoll unexpectedly unleashed 15 megatons of explosive force on the tiny island. At 1,000 times the strength of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Castle Bravo’s devastating effects where widely felt across the western Pacific.

    March 3, 2014 - By Peter Fedewa
  • June 10 marks the 50th anniversary of one of JFK's most important speeches and one of the most powerful pleas ever given by a US president for nuclear disarmament.

    June 10, 2013 - By Joe Cirincione
  • In honor of National Women’s History Month, each week Ploughshares Fund will be honoring the women who have been instrumental in advocating for nuclear nonproliferation. This week we are highlighting the work of two incredible women who helped push for a ban on atmospheric nuclear testing: Dr. Louise Reiss and Dagmar Wilson.

    March 15, 2013 - By Jessica Sleight
  • Early this morning, Joe Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, delivered the keynote address at the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization Preparatory Commission’s (CTBTO) Intensive Policy Course in Vienna, Austria. The CTBTO is working to bring into force the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, a treaty that would ban all nuclear explosions globally.

    July 16, 2012 - By Rebecca Remy
  • A U.S. president once said that not achieving a nuclear test ban treaty “would have to be classed as the greatest disappointment of any administration – of any decade – of any time and of any party.” 

    April 3, 2012 - By Mary Kaszynski
  • Today, people in communities throughout the nation will stop for a moment to pause and remember the toll of the nation’s nuclear weapons testing program on downwind citizens. Some will take part in official ceremonies; others are small groups of downwinders coming together to do something as simple as light candles in memory of loved ones who have died. They’ve waited a long time to be officially recognized by the government that harmed them.

    January 26, 2012 - By Anonymous

    January 25, 2012 - By Megan Murphy