"Thanksgiving is a great American holiday — it's one of my favorites. I love it. I look forward to it every year, and every year I pause and give thanks and blessings. This year, I want to thank you for your steady, strong support of Ploughshares Fund. This has been the year we won the greatest victory in Ploughshares' existence. We helped win an Iran nuclear agreement that is the greatest diplomatic triumph of a generation or more. We stopped Iran from getting a bomb. We stopped a new war in the Middle East. This will be a victory we can savor around the Thanksgiving table, and for years to come. We couldn't have done this without you.
This year, we did the most important work I have ever personally been involved with. So thank you. Thank you for making this possible. Thank you for staying with us, and thank you for helping us continue the job, to finish reducing and eliminating the threats that plague our planet. So this year, when you're cutting up your turkey, or tofu, please, know that we remember you, and that around our tables we'll be thanking you for all you've done. Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving."
- Joe Cirincione, President, Ploughshares Fund