Queen Noor Promotes Global Zero

Queen Noor of Jordan took to the airwaves today to promote Global Zero, the international campaign to eliminate all nuclear weapons by a date certain.  On MSNBC's  Rachel Maddow Show she applauded Presidents Obama and Medvedev for their joint statement from London earlier in the day pledging to work together on nuclear disarmament. 

"This was a historic and bold  breakthrough. It's the first time ever that the American and Russian presidents have committed their countries to work for the total elimination of all nuclear weapons....These two countries, beyond London, will negotiate deep reductions in their nuclear arsenals, and it will be absolutely critical that the other nucler countries begin to come on board   Because If you consider that there are also 40 countries that have enough nuclear material to make another 100,000 nuclear weapons, you either have a country using them or you have the increasing chance that a terrorist would use them.  The results would be catastrophic."  Queen Noor invited the public to visit the Global Zero website and sign the declaration.  She also spoke to Wolf Blitzer of CNN in an earlier interview. 

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