Protests resume in Tehran as Ahmadinejad is sworn in

On the day of Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s inauguration, Ploughshares board member Reza Aslan describes on NPR’s Morning Edition how social media and the death of protester Neda Agha Soltan are fueling the protest movement in Iran. “I think part of it has to do with the revolution taking place in social media.  The news that we’re getting from Iran is not coming from CNN or NBC, it’s coming from Twitter of from Facebook.” Asked if Soltan would remain a powerful symbol of the opposition through Ahmadinejad’s second term, Aslan answered, “I think the dramatic way in which she died and the way in which those horrible images were passed around the world, almost instantly, is going to make her someone who is not going away very easily.” Listen to the full interview below.

NPR, Morning Edition