Morning Joe: May 6, 2009

Af-Pak Goes to Washington

Stories we're watching today:

Pakistan’s Nuclear Scenarios, U.S. Solutions - Room for Debate in the New York Times [link]

  • A Debate: How should the United States respond? And how secure are Pakistan’s nuclear weapons?
  • Karin von Hippel (Ploughshares Grantee) - A Taliban and Al Qaeda takeover of Pakistan, along with its nuclear arsenal, pose the worst-case scenario for Western policymakers and far too many Pakistanis. But two other, less extreme scenarios also cause serious concern.
  • Rolf Mowatt-Larssen - The next time a nuclear threat emerges, will Pakistani authorities catch it in time? The U.S. should do everything in its power to ensure they can.

U.S. Stresses Support For Pakistan's Zardari - Washington Post [link]

  • The administration is anxious for Pakistan and Afghanistan, often less than friendly neighbors, to cooperate more on preventing extremists from crossing their joint border. But it has serious, separate issues with each government.

U.S. tries again on North Korean nuclear talks - CNN [link]

  • Stephen Bosworth... leaves Washington Wednesday on a weeklong swing through Asia. He'll visit China, South Korea, Japan and Russia -- the other members of the so-called six-party talks.

Inside the National Ignition Facility - Neatorama [link]