Elements of a Nuclear Disarmament Treaty

The Henry L. Stimson Center has just released Elements of a Nuclear Disarmament Treaty, the capstone of the Ploughshares-funded series "Unblocking the Road to Zero."  The book, edited by Barry Blechman and Alex Bolfrass, sets out to propose ways to achieve a verifiable nuclear zero.  With chapters on verification, the nuclear fuel cycle, treaty negotiations, governance and enforcement of a treaty and breakout scenarios written by Ploughshares Fund grantees Ivan Oelrich and Harold Feiveson, the report opens with a foreword by Frank Carlucci and William Perry.   "For decades, proponents of maintaining large nuclear arsenals have rebuffed reductions with claims that a disarmament treaty could never be achieved, verified, or enforced," said Joe Cirincione.  The experts assembled in Elements of a Nuclear Disarmament Treaty destroy these fact-free assertions with a full-spectrum analysis of each political and technical obstacle to the security of a world without nuclear weapons and sober suggestions for how to overcome them. It is a how-to book you cannot do without."