Ploughshares Fund Program Officer Haleh Hatami is in Islamabad, Pakistan visiting grantees and conducting research on the Ploughshares Fund’s investment strategy in conflict prevention in South Asia.
"We can no longer continue in this doctrine that we have used for many decades," said former CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson at the premier of Countdown to Zero in Santa Fe, New Mexico. "The world has changed profoundly and fundamentally."
In the next round of nuclear negotiations, the United States and Russia "need to pursue much deeper cuts in their nuclear stockpiles and agree to a lower level of launch readiness." That's the argument that Bruce Blair, Victor Esin, Matthew McKinzie, Vakery Yarynich and Pavel Zolotarev make in "Smaller and Safer: A New Plan for Nuclear Postures," an article in the September/ October 2010 issue of Foreign Affairs.
Putting the interests of the Kashmiri people at the forefront is an essential component of any efforts by India and Pakistan to build lasting peace in the conflict-ridden region.
"There is no margin for error here, and I think Obama intuitively understood that as soon as he got to the Senate," former Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE), a Ploughshares Fund board member, tells the