The New Arms Race

Nuclear weapons do nothing to protect us from 21st century threats. Yet the US government is planning to spend over $2 trillion during the next 30 years to rebuild its arsenal – plans that could push Russia, China and other countries to build even more nuclear weapons. In short, the world is on the brink of a new nuclear arms race that will only accelerate if current plans stay on track. 

Every dollar spent on re-building our arsenal is a dollar less for our true defense needs. We need to end wasteful nuclear programs and to realign our spending priorities with today’s threats.

Latest News and Analysis on the New Nuclear Arms Race

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  • A New Arms Race Threatens to Bring the US and Russia Back to the Nuclear Brink

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    November 23, 2015 - By Joe Cirincione
  • The U.S. is poised to spend $11.6 billion to upgrade a handful of nuclear bombs - with each bomb costing more than twice its weight in gold. The bombs were originally put in Europe to roll back a Soviet land invasion. With the Cold War over, the costly bomb upgrades would rack up more debt while adding no benefit to our security. 

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    July 9, 2013 - By Ben Loehrke
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    August 27, 2012 - By Ben Loehrke
  • In tight budget times, the U.S. Navy cannot afford to waste funds on excessive capabilities for outdated Cold War weapons. Yet that is what some in Congress are attempting to do by blocking retirement of excess nuclear-armed submarines.

    May 14, 2012 - By Ben Loehrke
  • It might not have received a nomination for Best Picture, but ‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’ is our stand out film this Oscar season.

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  • Washington is slowly moving toward tightening budgets and being smarter with its security dollars.

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  • After months of work on the campaign to slash the nuclear weapons budget, the concept is firmly taking hold in Congress.

    February 9, 2012 - By Megan Murphy