On the radar: Iran Deal’s myopic opposition; Europeans stand by Iran Deal; Nikki Haley’s indecent proposal; Trump’s strategic indecision is dangerous; Korean War II would be devastating
On the radar: Aftermath of Kim’s sixth nuclear test; Security Council weighs fuel cut-off; Tensions rising between Moon and Trump; North Korea’s threats no longer unimaginable; Iran Deal proving its worth
September 5, 2017 - By Rose Blanchard and Meghan McCall
On the radar: White House Chief Strategist: no military solutions to North Korea; War games used as bargaining chips?; Moon: let’s jumpstart diplomacy; Nuclear blustering at a standstill; Russia urges Iran not to pull out of nuclear deal
On the radar: U.S.-North Korea backchannel could spur talks; Perry: start talks before it’s too late; Deterrence not reliable against North Korea; North Korea in one hand, Iran in the other; Keep the Iran Deal alive; INF Treaty is in hot water
August 15, 2017 - By Meghan McCall and Geoff Wilson
On the radar: Trump’s rhetoric could start a war; North Korea develops an attack plan; Nuclear experts take on Trump and North Korea; Trump needs to start a dialogue; Absolutely no military options to North Korea; North Korea’s nuclear, now let’s talk; Diplomacy only option with North Korea; The dangers of a nuclear war; Trump credits himself for modernization
August 10, 2017 - By Rose Blanchard, Meghan McCall and Geoff Wilson
On the radar: Siegfried Hecker: talk needed more than ever; Strictest sanctions yet on North Korea; Southeast Asian diplomats talk North Korea; North Korea is watching Iran Deal tension; Europe could save Iran Deal; Nuclear disarmament: a moral imperative
August 8, 2017 - By Rose Blanchard, Meghan McCall and Geoff Wilson
On the radar: U.S. tests Minuteman III; Quit blustering, let’s talk to Kim; Tillerson open to talks with North Korea; Iran: New U.S. sanctions ‘illegal’; Europeans urge Trump to keep Iran Deal
August 3, 2017 - By Rose Blanchard, Meghan McCall and Geoff Wilson
On the radar: North Korea’s successful missile test; Siegfried Hecker on latest test; Working with a nuclear North Korea; U.S. mainland in North Korea’s reach; Arms control in peril under Trump; How to avoid nuclear Iran; Trump’s inspection abuse pressures Iran
August 1, 2017 - By Rose Blanchard, Meghan McCall and Geoff Wilson