Watch the complete video from KODX Seattle of Dr. Vincent Intondi's lecture on nuclear weapons, race and justice in the Trump era. This lecture took place at University of Washington in Seattle, Washington on April 2, 2018.
The United States is on a path to spend $1.7 trillion over the next 30 years rebuilding our entire nuclear weapons arsenal. Dr. Intondi's lecture addresses how African American activists have been involved in the fight against nuclear weapons, how racism, colonialism, and inequity have shaped our nuclear policy, and how this is playing out under our current Administration. It also explores why communities of color and other people concerned with social and racial justice can and should be engaged with the issue of nuclear weapons, and how to take action today.
Dr. Vincent Intondi is an Associate Professor of History and Director of the Institute for Race, Justice, and Community Engagement at Montgomery College in Takoma Park, Maryland. He is the author of the book, African Americans Against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism, and the Black Freedom Movement.
This event was sponsored by Washington Against Nuclear Weapons, Health Alliance International, UW Global Health Department, Ploughshares Fund, and Town Hall as a promotional partner.
Watch @VincentIntondi's inspiring lecture on nuclear weapons, race and justice in the Trump era.