Our best weapon against nuclear proliferation? A pen.

A statement by Ploughshares grantee Partnership for a Secure America offers a concrete list of actions the Obama Administration should take to deliver on the President's promise last month in Prague to combat global nuclear proliferation.  The statement in support of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) is signed by a bipartisan group thirty high-ranking former officials, including 9/11 Commission Chair and Vice-Chair. "Our key nonproliferation and disarmament challenges -- reducing nuclear forces with Russia, denying WMD to terrorists, preventing Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons -- can and must be addressed in the context of the grand bargain of the NPT," said PSA Advisory Board co-chair former Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-IN).

Recommendations include supporting an international fuel supply mechanism, providing greater inspection authority to the IAEA, working to reduce nuclear weapons arsenals and strengthening enforcement against countries in violation of the NPT.  Signatories also agree that the U.S. should work to address the key concerns -- stockpile reliability and verification mechanisms -- that could allow for the support of a comprehensive ban on nuclear testing.

Partnership for a Secure America